What will my download of Code Quick 2016 look like?

After you order, a link to the download site will automatically be sent to you by e-mail from codequickresponse@gmail.com with the link to the download files. Since the sound files are in MP3 format, the files are pretty small, just 154 MB. The course is divided into sections for ease of download. Just load the six disks into iTunes. There are more than 120 segments and they are sequenced by iTunes to make it all easy and fun. Just follow the directions on the page and you will be running in not time. If you wish, Windows media will also handle these audio segments.
The forms bundle file contains hilarious sound-alike cartoons in still and animated format and your book that will guide your progress every step of the way. You should follow it closely as it is your link to rapid mastery of the code.
Here's a picture of Tom Thorpe W7KYN teaching ham radio at West Phoenix High School in 1952! In the background is the monster AM transmitter we made for working 10 meters. I am the young man with the glasses! How time flies when you are having fun!
The forms bundle file contains hilarious sound-alike cartoons in still and animated format and your book that will guide your progress every step of the way. You should follow it closely as it is your link to rapid mastery of the code.
Here's a picture of Tom Thorpe W7KYN teaching ham radio at West Phoenix High School in 1952! In the background is the monster AM transmitter we made for working 10 meters. I am the young man with the glasses! How time flies when you are having fun!