All About Me, Just a "has been" who enjoys helping others also enjoy the Code!

W6TJP has been my call ever since I moved to California in 1960. Before that W7RBO.
Extra Class W6TJP Gerald R. "Jerry" Wheeler, Ed.D., earned his B.A. from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. His Masters and Doctorate Degrees were achieved at the University of Southern California in the field of Elementary and Secondary Education. During his studies he developed a passion to discover "How students learn."
Dr. Wheeler served as instructor and administrator for 21 years in California's public schools before he opened a private academy which grew, under his leadership, from 70 to 1300 students. Many innovative programs were developed during his tenure including a dynamic writing program for junior and senior high students. This course entitled "EZ-Writer" is currently marketed, providing the writing student the same kind of innovative and successful creativity found in Code Quick.
Published in 2022, Glimpses Into Glory, a historical novel chronicles Dr. Wheeler's most intriguing past along with ancestors for centuries past. It is currently available on If you enjoy history, you will love this book!
He also co-authored a historical novel Whispers of a Secret God, based on a story told him by an African Tribal King that is available from the author and through Fascinating reading, it takes you to West Africa during the years of the slave trade.
Dr. Wheeler became captivated by amateur radio during his high school years, thanks to an inspirational teacher, Tom Thorpe, W7KYN at West Phoenix High School. (See Pic) During his senior year he successfully passed his first exam, built his first transmitter, and was named outstanding amateur of the year. His interest and involvements in ham radio have continued for 60 years. However, it wasn't until Code Quick came to his mind that he was able to master code to become an Extra Class Ham.
A true family man, Dr. Wheeler has three children, nine grandchildren and 18 greats. He believes that the greatest accomplishment in this life is to get to know the GOD who created life itself. He invites e-mail and phone calls concerning this eternally important subject. His QSL card reads. "Wise Men Still CQ!"
We even decided to use the phrase "God loves me," to stand for the letter "G." It works great and helps the student to think about something far more important to his or her eternal future than knowing code! Want to know more? Want to know more about the God who loves you and wants a relationship with you?
Extra Class W6TJP Gerald R. "Jerry" Wheeler, Ed.D., earned his B.A. from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. His Masters and Doctorate Degrees were achieved at the University of Southern California in the field of Elementary and Secondary Education. During his studies he developed a passion to discover "How students learn."
Dr. Wheeler served as instructor and administrator for 21 years in California's public schools before he opened a private academy which grew, under his leadership, from 70 to 1300 students. Many innovative programs were developed during his tenure including a dynamic writing program for junior and senior high students. This course entitled "EZ-Writer" is currently marketed, providing the writing student the same kind of innovative and successful creativity found in Code Quick.
Published in 2022, Glimpses Into Glory, a historical novel chronicles Dr. Wheeler's most intriguing past along with ancestors for centuries past. It is currently available on If you enjoy history, you will love this book!
He also co-authored a historical novel Whispers of a Secret God, based on a story told him by an African Tribal King that is available from the author and through Fascinating reading, it takes you to West Africa during the years of the slave trade.
Dr. Wheeler became captivated by amateur radio during his high school years, thanks to an inspirational teacher, Tom Thorpe, W7KYN at West Phoenix High School. (See Pic) During his senior year he successfully passed his first exam, built his first transmitter, and was named outstanding amateur of the year. His interest and involvements in ham radio have continued for 60 years. However, it wasn't until Code Quick came to his mind that he was able to master code to become an Extra Class Ham.
A true family man, Dr. Wheeler has three children, nine grandchildren and 18 greats. He believes that the greatest accomplishment in this life is to get to know the GOD who created life itself. He invites e-mail and phone calls concerning this eternally important subject. His QSL card reads. "Wise Men Still CQ!"
We even decided to use the phrase "God loves me," to stand for the letter "G." It works great and helps the student to think about something far more important to his or her eternal future than knowing code! Want to know more? Want to know more about the God who loves you and wants a relationship with you?